Sunday, 3 March 2019


As the way that coming generation grow up, the possibility of cares that should be returned by a son to their parent are getting worse. Most of the adults hates their relation by their unconditioned brainless thought and throws out the feel of love to the roadside.

It might be sounds so rude to be read, but as one of the common human being that lives in this big world, I do seen most of the situation that been happens surrounds my self. Not to forget those good adults that cares of their parents till their last breath, I do appreciate those person, as they understand the what the reality.

Since the day I were separated from my family caused by own mistakes, I realize each every thing that faking my entire life on every seconds that I cross over. It takes a long time for me to bring my self back to my own family, and I will say that it is not that easy to face the unbelievable, unfortunate and unacceptable situation in the life timeline.

As the days and years runs, I were waited, and I did believe that I will seen such a situation that can blows up the real love of mother and son, it doesn't matter on who's life. It can be happens on mine too, unless the situation goes good as what I think. but it didn't happen too.

After waited for a long time, I decide to brings out a story by my imagination, that will content the real love and understanding of mother and son. While my thoughts runs with my daily life, I receive a short story line about the exact imagination that i thought off in a small single blank paper. It was given to me by a girl named 'Dharsini'. This girl is not a deep relation of mine, but the connection of her story and my thought, brings out the great complete story titled "EERAM KAYATHA MAZHAI THULIGAL"

It took around 2 years for me to script up the story. Now the story is complete and on process of edit, as my idea to publish it as a Novel, so that could reach more people, and could have a time to read the great message from "The Imagination That Brings Out The Reality" and I believe that such situations that been created on the story have never been happen anywhere, and will not happen at anywhere after these.

Mothers have a significant impact on their sons to the extent that the way they behave in their later years is attributed to their relationship with their mother. No other person understands a child better than a mother.

"...fills your hearts with gladness in her warm and thoughtful way..."

Inba Arasan

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